Since Super Junior’s BONAMANA is trending, I’ve made a background for ELFs’ twitter, feel free to use it, it will help promote our site as well as Super Junior :] Just click the picture about, then right click ->Save As.. and save it to wherever, and change your background on twitter! It should fit perfectly…

Recently, Soshified, a home of almost 90,000 S♥NEs’ forums have been revamped as Soshified International Soshiport! Everything is new, and we love it it it it it it it! From the dynamic header which changes depending on the time to the mobile theme, I think they’re the only fan forum which can be accessed easily…

So I guess all of you liked the Xiah Junsu Solo CD Contest, just awhile ago, Super Junior’s 4th CD Single BONAMANA was released, if you all want to win this CD read on! buy generic viagra If you haven’t checked out the song yet, check out this Youtube video. This time we’re only going…

Congratulations to Kokokoreano and Narupixie for winning a Xiah Junsu Solo CD – Intoxication. We will DM you shortly. For those who couldn’t win one, don’t be sad and keep following us and we’ll bring you more contests in the future! Thank you all for participating!

After 6 hours of designing, coding and tweaking, we finally present you a new theme for’s blog, tell us what you think about it in the comments below! Thanks