We all know that with different K-Pop Idols, come with different fan clubs and communities. I think K-Pop in general has one of the most active groups on the internet, just look on twitter, fans get topics trending to the top within minutes. Okay.. maybe not top because of Justin Beaver, but it’s pretty amazing…

Why is K-Pop so popular nowadays, especially in countries like Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, and i’ve came up with a thesis and that it’s because the music scene in those countries aren’t comparable to the music industry in Korea. We can just see this by looking at the amount of music shows, there’s four shows…

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So, the CDs going to be released around at the end of May, let’s see the track list of the CD. 1. Intoxication 2. 君がいれば ~Beautiful Love~ 3. Intoxication (Instrumental) 4. 君がいれば ~Beautiful Love~ (Instrumental) We’re not sure if we’re getting the DVD version as we’re going to buy them from the shops in Hong…

Good news guys, we’re going to go to the Bangkok Concert, we’ve got the concert tickets, but haven’t booked the hotels and flight yet, but will do soon! We’ve emailed the organizers at the Thailand side also to SM, hoping we could do our first interview. We’re currently small and self-funded, if you could help…